1880's: Backbone of U.S. and Minnesota economy

1880s: From 1880 through the 1940s, immigrants change the face of America. Drawn by economic opportunity and fleeing war and political or religious repression in their homelands, waves of people from across the globe come to the United States. Mostly working class, they form the backbone of the U.S. economy but often face discrimination. Chinese are particularly singled out and are denied citizenship through the Chinese Exclusion Act, enacted in 1882.

1880s: Throughout the decade, many Building Trades unions are formed in Minnesota, including the Bricklayers, Plasterers, Plumbers and Carpenters.

1880s: Minnesota passes its first law limiting child labor, but comprehensive legislation fully prohibiting child labor is not adopted until 1909. According to the 1890 census report, 4,460 children between the ages of 10 and 14 were “gainfully employed” in Minnesota