Meeting Notes 4.3.24

Agenda for the Regular Monthly Meeting 4.3.23


Call to Order

President Czappa called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Labor Union. Ten members were present.


Roll Call of Officers:

¾   President Cindy Czappa

¾   Vice President Nick Vitello

¾   Treasurer Adam Bray

¾   Trustee John Repinski

¾   Trustee Pam Janicki

¾   Trustee Don Carlson

¾   Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin

¾   Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber


Reading of the Minutes

Took nominations for union officials and they were unopposed. Motioned to unanimously accept. Will begin May 1. President Czappa, VP Vitello, Treasurer Bray, Secretary Lieber, Trustees Jenny Kelnhofer, Jessica Brandl, Cody Beckman.

Had a thank-you card from family center.

Talked about a union retirement gift to keep people in the union as they retire for years of service.

1.45% comes out of your checks, up to a max amount.


Application for New Members

No new applications. Douglas Footit retired. 230 members in good standing with 3 non-members: Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt.


Communication and Bills

-10th USW National Paper Bargaining Conference in Austin, TX Aug 5-8 to send President and Vice President. Motion and Second. Question to bring Secretary? No. Will bring to Eboard to send out registration. Motion carried.

-Save the date for USW Health, Safety, and Environment Conference in Pittsburgh, PA Aug 18-23

-Joe Biden endorsement letter

-bring in safety training from USW. Have an incident investigation class. Safety bosses have contact info. VP Vitello will address in joint safety meetings.

-Sub6 -send President, VP, and Secretary. Motion, second. Carried.


E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 3.26.23

Meeting was cancelled with only 3 members present. In group chat, motioned:

-to send President and VP to Paper Bargaining Conference

-to send President and VP to sub-6 council meeting April 12 (was due April 1).

-to send Cindy, Jen L, Jen K, and Jess B to quarterly WOS meeting


Treasurer’s Report

A detailed list of incomes and expenses were read, leaving a cash balance of $37,802.59 and a savings of $177,007.38.

Motion and second to accept treasurer’s report as read. No discussion. Motion carried.


Old Business

-officer nominations were uncontested. No need for a vote.

-WOS Quarterly Meeting Vote-send up to 3

-Sub-6 Council Meeting Vote -send up to 3 (form needs President signature and seal)



New Business

-Neighborhood Table signup soon. April 25

April 23 will be eboard.

-Retirement gift. Mark Gustin motion to have all vested members to receive a $25 per year of service to all members in good standing. Carlson second. Discussion: what about people who start paying dues just prior to retirement? How to keep a record of members when they withdraw and rejoin? Is it an act that is permitted by the international? Retirement: 10 years of service and 55 years of age or older. 


“From this day forward a retirement gift will be awarded to union members in good standing as $25 for each of the company’s years of service, with a requirement of 10 years of service, and will need to be 55 years of age or older. It will be classified as a gift in treasurer’s books. If a member opts out and then choses to rejoin, years of service restarts when a new union card is signed.” Motion, second. No discussion. Motion carried


-issues in recovery?

-DAWS, only one email sent from management as to what has been going on during meetings. Wages discussion.



Good and Welfare

Bray, Czappa



Motion to adjourn, second. motion carried.