Minutes for the Regular Monthly Meeting 9.7.22

Minutes for the Regular Monthly Meeting 9.7.22


Call to Order

President Czappa called the Regular Monthly Meeting for USW Local 59 to order September 7, 2022 at 7pm at the Laborer’s Hall in Wisconsin Rapids. 13 members were present.


Roll Call of Officers:

¾   President Cindy Czappa

¾   Vice President Nick Vitello

¾   Treasurer Adam Bray

¾   Trustee John Repinski

¾   Trustee Pam Janicki

¾   Trustee Don Carlson

¾   Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin

¾   Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber


Reading of the Minutes

We had one new member apply to join Local 59: Alexis Allworden.

We voted to donate $1000 to the Port Edwards Booster Club Football Team.

We voted to donate $2500 to the Alex C Dove Foundation to purchase a new sectional.

We voted to send up to three people to the District 7 Joint Union/Management Safety & Health Conference

We voted to send two people to the 2022 Wisconsin AFLCIO 32nd Biannual Convention

We accepted Don Carlson as our new Trustee

Sergeant at Arms Gustin motion to accept minutes as read, Trustee Janicki seconded, this motion carried.


Application for New Members

13 new applicants: Erich Edelblute, Todd Lokken, Eric Heller, Trevor Smith, Myles Isenberger, Jared Clark, Natasha Janicki, Jamie Slothower, Matt Kulbacki, Dustin Slothower, Dylan Allison, Jacob Liebenstein, and Michael Wegner.

Treasurer Bray motioned to accept new members and waive fees, seconded by Sergeant at Arms Gustin, this motion passed.

USW membership for the month is 252, with five non-members: Doug Drexler, Josiah Brandt, Paul Beschlich, Justin Derezinski, and Jeff Slovensky.


Communication and Bills

-Wisconsin State AFL-CIO 2021-2022 Voting Record, additional copies have arrived. Some were dispersed with the meeting notice. There are additional copies if anyone wants one.

-Alex C Dove Foundation thank you letter

-Port Edwards Football thank you




E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 8.30.22

Vice President Vitello

-Moving October’s meeting for the IN meeting. Need to contact labor hall to see if its available

-Make a recommendation for bargaining committee consisting of Eboard members: President Czappa, Vice President Vitello, Trustee Repinski, Recording Secretary Lieber, Trustee Carlson. Should we include the next gen? Treasurer Bray, Stewards? Sally might get us some schooling. Should get it in the book in the bylaws for the local for which positions fulfill the bargaining committee.

-Business cards will be more expensive

Trustee Janicki motioned to make President and Vice President cards with their own names and Weingarten rights on the back. Might have Weingarten cards in the storage room for everyone else. Recording Secretary Lieber seconded. Motion carried


Recording Secretary Lieber

-lighting for tracks between kraft and 14 is mostly nonexistent. Work is made dangerous for our employees and Cando. Trustee Repinski said he’d look into it.

-removing manholes- Trustee Repinski stated this would be a maintenance job for now on. There are job numbers on lockouts for taking the manhole cover off and for putting back on to ensure this is done before any unlocking occurs. Mill manager wants to hire Haza to take manholes on and off, so hopefully we can keep this in house.


Trustee Janicki

-Yard assistant wage adjustment? Nothing yet. If they’re not doing the wage adjustment, maybe some of the responsibilities should go back to mgmt.

-Jessica Senn thanked the wood yard for being so self-sustaining

-roundwood inventory is critically low


Treasurer Bray

-second quarter audit completed yesterday. No issues were found

-Lmrda seminar. Trustee Carlson motioned to table training. Vice President Vitello seconded. Motion carried

-Overtime signup info corrected on paper side


Trustee Carlson

-Audit. Need help next time. Will ask Sergeant at Arms Gustin for assistance.


Trustee Repinski

-Two more recordables from yesterday

-June 29-maintenance guy had a knee pop

-Paper side employee wasn’t sure when where or how, but my back hurts

-Hwy 73 project starts the 6th. Negotiations on how to get truck traffic to chip dock.

-Sept 23 new group of new hires

-5 hires starting in the mill tomorrow


President Czappa

-Family Center is asking for a donation-Flowers of Summer-can buy peace $500, courage $100, freedom $250, joy $25, strength $50. We donate every year. 

Trustee Repinski motioned to donate 500, Secretary Lieber seconded. Motion carried. Eboard recommendation is to donate $500 to the Family Center.

-Thank you letter from the House of Dove. They were able to purchase a new sectional. It’s been a busy summer for them.

-Sept 19 and 20 AFLCIO meeting

-October meeting move to 12th?

-Ray Cal would like to come and talk, is a financial advisor. May come October 12th.


President Czappa motioned to adjourn, Trustee Repinski seconded. This motion carried. This concluded the Monthly Eboard meeting on August 30.



Treasurer’s Report

A detailed list of incomes and expenses were read, leaving a total balance of $48,544.24 and savings of $199,313.02.

Sergeant at Arms Gustin motioned to accept report as read, Steward Hanneman seconded, this motion carried.


Old Business

-there is a need for more training support across the mill

-if we would go to a 12-hour shift rotation it would need to be voted on by the body

-still hiring new people

-need for SOP development

-if anyone has a request for refreshments in the fridge, let Mark Gustin know

-our website is live



New Business

-bargaining committee

-moving October’s meeting date

-business cards

-Vote for Family Center donation. Eboard recommendation of $500. Treasurer Bray concur with eboard, Carlson second. Motion carried

AFL-CIO meeting for President and Vice President. Trustee Janicki motion, Sergeant at Arms Gustin second, motion carried.

Ray Cal-financial advisor

Union Health and Safety in October. Trustee Carlson motion, Sergeant at Arms Gustin second, motion carried

Sub district 6 meeting in Neenah Oct 19. Motion to send 3 people. Secretary Lieber motion, Trustee Janicki second. Motion carried.

-Trustee Carlson-Dove’s Nest-was there last night. October 8 is our work day. Need some helpers and tools, ladders, wheelbarrows, cleaning. Do lunch and beverages. Starting around 9am. 928 Sussex Ct. will ask Ginny if we can put it in the newsletter

Moment of silence for Richard Merk-was a load dispatch

Bylaws state bargaining committee shall be president, vice president, and up to two others to be voted on by body

Janicki motion to make bargaining committee for next contract, Carlson second. Motion carried. International may contact us this fall to get ball rolling

Frank Hardey will be in the mill the week of Sept 19th. Apparently, all our exit interviews have pointed to the work schedules. Rothschild is trialing 12’s to see how they like it. Figure out how to handle overtime, call ins, vacations. Or are people upset because they are working 12s on southern swing. No schedule will work without proper staffing.

Change to current vision benefits. Currently they are imbedded into the medical insurance. Free exam annually and $200 for lenses every two years. Vision plan will be a standalone benefit, a basic and premium plan, which can be available on the next benefits enrollment.




Trustee Carlson motioned to adjourn, Trustee Repinski seconded, this motion carried. This concluded the monthly meeting of USW Local 59 for September 2022.


Good and Welfare


Treasurer Bray and Secretary Lieber