Monthly Meeting 8.2.23

Agenda for the Regular Monthly Meeting 8.2.23


Call to Order

President Czappa called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7pm at the Labor Hall. 25 members were present.


Roll Call of Officers:

¾  President Cindy Czappa

¾  Vice President Nick Vitello

¾  Treasurer Adam Bray

¾  Trustee John Repinski

¾  Trustee Pam Janicki

¾  Trustee Don Carlson

¾  Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin

¾  Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber


Reading of the Minutes

President Czappa called the regular monthly meeting to order 7.5.23 at 7pm at the Labor Hall. 10 members were in attendance.

Voted to donate $250 for flags for Nekoosa Football

Voted to send 3 to the Women of Steel quarterly meeting in August

Maintenance members are still in negotiations

Voted to accept two member applications from Tim Gavin and Brad Gustin, and to waive their initiation fees. Two non-members were Justin Derezinski and Josiah Brandt.

Motion and seconded to accept minutes as read. Motion carried


Application for New Members

Erich Edelblute and Tyler Smith. Motion to accept applications and waive member fees. Gustin second. Motion Carried. 224 members in good standing. Non members are Josiah Brandt and Justin Derezinski


Communication and Bills

Letter from Thomas Conway, USW International President, to help protect the shipbuilding industry

Letter from Nathan Schwantes asking for Port Edwards football donation

Letter from A-Jays Disc Jockey Service asking to be our DJ at our next holiday party


E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 7.25.23

Trustee Carlson-trustees will do an audit before next meeting


Treasurer Bray-department of revenue, irs changing their address, $10 business tax renewal, WOS conference fees, health and safety fees-checks will be sent out at next meeting.


Secretary Lieber-shipbuilding from Conway

A-Jays to DJ again, Janicki motion, Bray second, motion carried.

Show copy of invite design


Trustee Janicki-crane duties


Vice President Vitello-PE football team sponsorship again

Bray motion to sponsor at state level, Lieber second, motion carried

-went to a meeting to check in on training on kraft side-every 2 weeks. Pleasantly surprised at organization


President Czappa-

Gift basket for Dove house on Aug 4

Lieber motion up to $100, Bray second to reimburse for cost of basket donations

Email to update roster for retirements/medical


Treasurer’s Report

A detailed list of incomes and expenses were read, with an ending balance of $26, 547.76 and savings of $200.062,72. Motion to accept and a second. Motion carried.


Old Business

Contract Negotiations underway

Nekoosa Flag donation-Don motion to send $250, Schueller second. Motion carried.

WOS August Meeting. Cindy would like to send at least 3. Arvella will be there, as well as Sally Feistel. Schueller motion to send 3, Janicki second. Motion carried.

Matinence crew may go on strike. Our negotiations may resume July 27-28, tentative on the maintenance negotiations. 

Justin is thinking end of August for the end of the 10/4 rotations. N4 will be starting on this rotation this upcoming week. 

There is a lack of orders across the board industry wide.

Jason had a heart to heart that Nekoosa needs to be treated more like a specialty mill and not a commodity mill.

Gustin-if N4 is down sat-tues, they will get a time and a half day. Can N2 file a grievance to not get that time and a half day. Cindy will look into it to make sure, and if it is we should file.

Gustin-what is contract language on red circle dates and being moved down due to scheduling changes. 

Bray-we have a few people moving up due to slovinsky’s retirement

Czappa- I was told that your rates will remain where you are master scheduled.

Beckman-stress from having people working 12s to accomplish training. There’s no check-ins on training. While training Feedwater, they are being given a list of the questions and the answers, and it is causing a detriment because people aren’t learning the job.

Vitello-qualification boards should be more of a show-me audit process.

Beckman-a more involved check-in on training with management should happen.

Beckman-within the last two weeks, a lockout was supposed to be done on V1 header, but they locked out the V2 instead. These control 150# steam. Heil was livid and took it out on the Load Dispatch trainee. 

Carlson-this will be a top priority in the morning meeting. 

Schueller-WOS meeting in the Fall. Czappa stated that she was not picking the attendees for the meeting, that she was electing that the eboard select the attendees, and thanks the eboard for their consideration. She makes it to the meetings she can and is involved as much as she can.

Goodness-Will be retiring July 12, July 16 noon-5 will be his party at Switched. Wanted to thank the eboard and union members for everything they’ve done to get good wages and a good work environment.

Beckman-if someone withdrew from the union, what would it take for them to get back in? Justin may be considering rejoining.

Janicki-there is something in writing about joining in a timeframe close to a vote


New Business

Vote for PE sponsorship

Justin has talked about N2 doing a 4/2 rotation if orders pick up, nothing heard about N4.

Gustin-when we started 10/4, there was a gentleman that was on vacation and did get a text from Justin about its implementation but did not know what his shift would be when he returned. Nobody had informed him of when his shift had been moved to. Offered him call time for having come in early on accident, but it was not applied to his check. Czappa-if they said they would pay it, we will file a grievance for it. Bray-is Justin the one who said hed pay it? Gustin-yes. There have been some things that have changed since I told you we would pay the call time. Vitello-we should have a conversation about it, that was a big change and should have been communicated.

In the past, it has been paid the no work, and the call time for a similar situation.

Need to have a conversation with Jeff Monroe.

Wendy Bodette-if orders pick up and nobody signs off, you’ll have to move onto the 4/2 rotation. As a threat.

Justin has been changing terminology in sign-offs to make it difficult

Ben King has stated that as long as Chuck is working here, I’ll have my job

Wendy Bodette-cameras. Can we get better maps of the cameras?

Don’t want to trap someone with a lie because of the camera footage.

Janicki-I thought those camera feeds went to security shack

Vitello-there won’t be people manning the cameras 

Bodette-should the machine tender shack be considered a control room? Schedule is difficult to find on paper side

Matt motion for football donation, Gustin second. Motion carried.

Need to verify ETP for 12s

Need another body in ETP regardless

Cancel vacation and forcing conversation. 

Can we get more clarification on the tentative agreement? Its as clear as mud. 

If you get called in on the day before vacation? You can’t work more than 16 hours. We have existing language like that now

Attract employees, what about employee retention

A lot of people would retire early with implementation of 12s

Discussion on families

Request for informational meetings

Participating in hiring of usw employees

Power and recovery-family program was the best they could come up with?

The suggestion to give a raise to recovery and leave well enough alone was denied

Regardless of ratification of contract, the department has to vote to participate in the family structure

If this fails, we stay the way we are unless the company wants to renegotiate

If you get disqualified on a job, why does everyone go to the woodroom

Shane and Jason are never getting around


Get rid of vacation and day off language-no forcing

Need language on the 4 on 4 off

Can we vote twice? Once to know the 12s rotation, and once after to vote for the contract with the 12 we voted for

Motion and second to adjourn, motion carried


Good and Welfare

John Bell, Mark Gustin




Motion and second to adjourn the meeting. This concluded the regular monthly meeting for August.