When: Wednesday, Apr 5, 2023, 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Laborer's Hall

220 Johnson St

Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495

Agenda for the Regular Monthly Meeting 4.5.23


Call to Order 



Roll Call of Officers: 

¾   President Cindy Czappa

¾   Vice President Nick Vitello 

¾   Treasurer Adam Bray 

¾   Trustee John Repinski 

¾   Trustee Pam Janicki 

¾   Trustee Don Carlson 

¾   Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin 

¾   Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber 



Reading of the Minutes 

Contract negotiations coming up. March 30 pre-meeting, April 1-4 for negotiations

Rapid Response petition to save Social Security

No new members last month


Application for New Members 


Communication and Bills

March 17, 2023 letter from Michael Millsap to Daryl Castona notice to enter into negotiations 

Feb 11, 2023 thank you letter from Focus

Feb 2023 AFL-CIO Wisconsin Legislative Directory 2023-2024 Season

April 3, 2023 Women of Steel Quarterly Meeting May 17, 2023


E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 


Idea for basement cleanup on all 4 shifts?



Should be getting the rate for the job you’re working. The idea is for everyone to be training

Elite 13 was a bottleneck

Contract letter

Text message service

Bargaining in good faith about discussing 12-hour schedules prior to talking with the union






Got a pin letter for Adam

Sub-district presidents and recording secretary meeting May 5 in Neenah. Lieber motion, Czappa second. 

District 7 conference-Uniting as One-May 22-24 Lieber motion, Carlson second.

Thank you from Feeding Communities

Seminar in May for Financial Officer

Sponsor a golf team for United Way? Sponsor a hole $250 Lieber motion, Carlson second





Motion to adjourn


Treasurer’s Report 


Old Business 

Contract negotiations coming up. March 30 pre-meeting, April 1-4 for negotiations

Rapid Response info for retirement info. Petition to sign to save social security benefits while raising debt ceiling. 

Janicki motion to send to union body to sign, Lieber second. Motion carried.

Make sure to keep track of days spent training to make sure you get adequate training.

Request to name non-union members at union meetings

Release time language-get paid the higher of the two rates after deadline if not moved

Equalizing pay rates between the departments

12-hr shifts could be good leverage to get a timeline for release. Company also wants to eliminate 30-day trial period uninterrupted.


New Business 

-text messaging program, text usw59 to 77820. May eventually be $25/month, but will be notified prior to charges occurring. Can order business cards and posters to hand out for signup.

-contract negotiations, first meeting done. April 14 with Sally and then negotiations May 1-4

-Sponsor a hole for the United Way vote. $250 to sponsor one hole.

- Sub-district Presidents and Recording Secretaries meeting May 5 in Neenah. 

- District 7 conference-Uniting as One-May 22-24 




Good and Welfare 


