Officer Nominations
Laborer's Hall
220 Johnson Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
We will be taking nominations for local union officers at the March regular monthly meeting.
An exerpt from our by-laws:
-No member shall at the same time be a candidate for or hold more than one of the offices named in Section 1 of this Article.
-Officers and Grievance Committee Members shall be elected for a term of three years at the last meeting in April. Election shall be by a plurality vote of the members in good standing participating in a secret ballet vote. Those elected in April shall be installed at the first regular meeting in May and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified, at which time all money, official records and documents, and all property belonging to the Local Union shall be turned over to such successors. In any case in which only one eligible member has been nominated for an office, and that member has indicated acceptance of the nomination within the time limits and in the manner prescribed by the approved By-Laws or rules of the Local Union, no election need be held for that office, and the member who has been so nominated shall be deemed elected. An Officer who retires from an enterprise serviced by the Local Union shall not be permitted to continue in office.
-The date of the Local Union elections for Local Union Officers and Grievance Committee Members must be advertised among members at least fifteen (15) days previous to the date of the election by notice of the date, place and hours of the election to each member in good standing. The notice must also specify the Local Union offices to be filled. Nominations shall be made at the immediately preceding meeting. However, where a Local Union holds two meetings in each month, nominations may be made at the last meeting in the month preceding the month in which the election is held. Notice of the nominations meeting shall be given to the membership at least one (1) week in advance of the meeting.
-No member shall be eligible for election as a Local Union Officer or Grievance Committee Member unless: (a) The member shall have been in continuous good standing for a period of twenty-four (24) months immediately preceding the month in which the election is held; and (b) The member is employed in an enterprise, public or private, or other place within the jurisdiction of the Local Union
-Local Union elections shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Local Union Elections Manual adopted by the International Union.
Positions we will be filling are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Seargant at Arms, and three (3) Trustees. Nominations must be made at the Regular Monthly Meeting March 6, and voting will be held at the HR Trailer prior to the Regular Monthly Meeting April 3. If you are unable to accept a nomination in person, a written letter of acceptance must be given to an elected officer prior to the meeting to be read at the meeting. Newly appointed officers will be installed at the Regular Monthly Meeting May 1. Website will be updated after March and April monthly meetings with Officer election information.