When: Thursday, Mar 25, 2021, (All day)


On March 25, 2021 Local Union 634L will hold a meeting for the purpose of nominating candidates for Local Union Office. Nominations for the following offices will be taken:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Recording Secretary
  • Financial Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Chief Griever
  • Guide
  • Guards (2)
  • Trustees (3)

The nomination meetings will be held prior to our regular monthly meeting on March 25, 2021 at normal meeting times. (We will continue into our regular monthly meeting following nomination meetings.)

  1. 3rd shift – 6:15 a.m.
  2. 2nd shift – 12:00 p.m. (noon)
  3. 1st shift – 2:15 p.m.

The Local Union Elections Manual provides that nominations shall take place from the floor at the nominations meeting and that only members in good standing may nominate for office.

You may nominate yourself and /or any member in good standings.

If you can not make the nomination meeting and would like to nominate yourself, you may turn in said nomination written on any piece of paper enclosed within a sealed envelope. You must sign and date the envelope over the seal and turn in to Robert Thain prior to nominations. You will be required to sign a form stating your nomination was received to be valid.

The Election Committee (Tellers) shall be selected by drawing (1 per shift that is NOT running for any office) following the completion of nominations at the same meeting. The Election Committee will be required to attend the 11 polling hours plus additional time for count tally. The Election Committee will be compensated for 8 hours of loss time wages.

In Solidarity

Local 634L Committee