Regular Monthly Meeting 5.1.24

Agenda for the Regular Monthly Meeting 5.1.24


Call to Order


Swearing in of New Officers


Roll Call of Officers:

¾  President Cindy Czappa

¾  Vice President Nick Vitello

¾  Treasurer Adam Bray

¾  Trustee Jennifer Kelnhofer

¾  Trustee Jessica Brandl

¾  Trustee Cody Beckman

¾  Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin

¾  Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber


Reading of the Minutes

Voted to send President Czappa and Vice President Vitello to the Paper Bargaining Conference in Austin, TX. Voted to send President Czappa, Vice President Vitello, and Secretary Lieber to the Sub-6 council meeting in Neenah. Treasurer Bray Reported 230 members in good standing, with non-members Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt.


Application for New Members

No new applications this month, Rick Timm withdrew. 229 in good standing, with 3 non-members, Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt.


Communication and Bills

Local Union Election Packet


E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 4.24.24

-Eboard recommends sending President Czappa and Vice President Vitello to the Paper Council Meeting in Austin, TX

-Eboard recommends sending up to three trustees to new officer training, as well as Vice President Vitello

-Voted that Lost Time during the work day, workers, will receive 12 hours pay for 12-hour workers or 8 hours of pay for 8-hour workers. For union time spent on days off, pay will be for hours spent on event.

-Eboard Recommends donating $1,000 to the Rapids Redhawks

-Issues with failing equipment

-Vice President Vitello received some answers from questions submitted regarding 12-hour shift implementation

-Eboard recommends donating $1,000 to Best Christmas Ever

-Signed and filed agreement for retirement gifts


Treasurer’s Report

A detailed list of income and expenses were read, leaving a total balance of $47,583.04 and savings of $177,007.38. Carlson motion to accept as read, Janicki second. Motion carried.


Old Business

-FOCUS Neighborhood Table. Served chicken chop suey and garlic carrots, fruit cup. Not many volunteers. Need to get more info out. 

-Retirement Gift:

“From this day forward a retirement gift will be awarded to union members in good standing as $25 for each of the company’s years of service, with a requirement of 10 years of service, and will need to be 55 years of age or older. It will be classified as a gift in treasurer’s books. If a member opts out and then choses to rejoin, years of service restarts when a new union card is signed.”

Discussion: are we getting this information out? It is on the website, and if we print it, the company will get in our business. 

-Would be cool to give WOS stickers to the softball girls for their hard hats


New Business

-Vote on Donating $1,000 to Rapids Redhawks. Gives us two years of sponsorship. Plates on the field. Advertisements of Sponsors. Janicki motion to donate $1000 to Rapids Redhawks. Carlson second. Motion carried.

-Vote on Donating $1,000 to Best Christmas Ever. Trustee Beckman motion to donate $1000 to Best Christmas Ever. Carlson Second. Motion carried.

-Discussion on OT in the wood yard. Does the OT accrue after 40 hours for the work week? Matt Kundinger called Scott Morrison. Days off should be OT, over 8 hours should be OT, holidays count toward the 40 hours now too. Vice-President Vitello will clarify with Scott Morrison.

-have a discussion on how mill is utilizing staff for relief. PMS does not relieve rewinders (different departments), but is having an employee from PMS train to relieve rewinder. How will a 12-hour worker relieve an 8-hour work week. They wanted to pull the rewinder into PMS, but it is a day job. Is rewinder part of shipping? Why can’t they build up the rewinder department. Potential for a second person working in tandem during the day shift. Would definitely be safer. Issues with scheduling if a 12-hour worker relieves an 8-hour worker.


Good and Welfare

Carlson and Beckman.



Lieber motion, Carlson second. Motion carried. This adjourns the regular monthly meeting.