Negotiation Misinformation


 Tuesday 25 June 2024 1:57 pm

 Brothers and Sisters of USW Local 634L,

 It has been brought to our attention that there have been rumors of a strike circulating. These rumors did not originate from your Union. At this time, your Union continues to negotiate in an effort to reach an agreement to bring back to our membership for a vote. Please do not believe these rumors, notifications to our membership will come from the Union Bargaining Committee in posting such as this.

 Please also be advised: That no strike will or is able to take place unless it is in accordance with Article XVI of the United Steelworkers Constitution:

 “No strike shall be called without the approval of the International President.”

  Additionally, no strike will take place prior to the USW Strike and Defense Fund Rules being read to the members at the meeting at which the vote to strike is taken. Your Union Bargaining Committee continues to negotiate on behalf of our membership and will keep you posted!

 Thank you for your continued Support and Solidarity!


Your Bargaining Committee