Regular Monthly Meeting

Agenda for the Regular Monthly Meeting 7.3.24


Call to Order


Moment of Silence: Al Yenter and Mike Stratton


Roll Call of Officers:

¾  President Cindy Czappa

¾  Vice President Nick Vitello

¾  Treasurer Adam Bray

¾  Trustee Jennifer Kelnhofer

¾  Trustee Jessica Brandl

¾  Trustee Cody Beckman

¾  Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin

¾  Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber


Reading of the Minutes

We had two new applications and three retirements last meeting, giving us 224 members in good standing with non-members: Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt. Motioned to rehire Ajay’s DJ services for our next holiday party. 


Application for New Members

Applications for Membership: Mike Wegner, Makenzie Carlson, Courtney Steinkamp, Karley Capek, Philip Dolan. Bray motion to waive new membership fees, Gustin second. Motion carried. New members: Andy Burleigh, David Babcock. Withdrawn: Bryan Henricksen, Jason Baumgart. Membership is 224 in good standing, with 3 non-members, Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt. 


Communication and Bills

Women of Steel Quarterly Area Council Meeting for August 14, 2024.


E-Board Monthly Meeting Notes 6.25.24

-Recommendation to send up to 3 to the Quarterly Women of Steel meeting in August

-discussion on call-in procedures, and cancelling a call-in

-Eboard recommendation to sponsor the Nekoosa Football Golf Outing at Arrowhead July 21 for $250

-Eboard recommendation to sponsor Humane Society Walk September 28 for $300

-Eboard recommendation to sponsor Family Center golf scramble against violence for $250



Treasurer’s Report

A detailed list of income and expenses were read, with an ending cash balance of $46,494.11 and savings of $177,458.70. Gustin motion to accept as read, Janicki second. Motion carried.


Old Business

-Quilts of Valor joint fundraiser with WOS and VOS. Any ideas? Material Girls. Think on what we would like to do and bring it to the board.

-4on-4off guidelines discussion

-vacation relief forms should be filled out for all time off to cover us. Finding the reliefs should be the scheduler’s job. 

-Kelly never got the guidelines packet to hand out.

-what happens about moving two jobs up

-new punch in rounding will go by every 5 minutes. Won’t be able to punch in until 5-to instead of 15 to

-need to make sure non-12s departments get info they need for timeclock stuff

-nephew in law, waiting to see how Jberg’s turns out.

-possibly grieve entire 4x4 guidelines packet. Need to ask Sally 

-possibly use park next to wetlap warehouse to do an union appreciation cookout


New Business

-Vote on Recommendation to send up to 3 to the Quarterly Women of Steel meeting in August. Janicki motion, Trustee Beckman second. Motion carried.

-Vote on Eboard recommendation to sponsor the Nekoosa Football Golf Outing at Arrowhead July 21 for $250. Janicki motion, Gessner second. Motion carried.

-Vote on Eboard recommendation to sponsor Humane Society Walk September 28 for $300. Janicki motion, Trustee Beckman second. Jennifer Kelnhofer would like to walk. Motion carried. 

-Vote on Eboard recommendation to sponsor Family Center golf scramble against violence for $250. Trustee Beckman, Gessner second. Motion carried.

-Quilts of Valor ladies will do stockings for the holidays to take to veterans homes.


How do we like the 4x4 rotations? Its hard to read so far. 


Will they be paying closer attention to training? Like, actual management check-ins with trainees. Utilize show-me audits? Have process owners actually check in with trainees.


Five-minute punch in kronos changes may be showing up end of July.


Will be filing another grievance for an uncle’s funeral because its not a blood-uncle.


Pam Janicki-has anyone heard about Can-do losing their contract with the mill, and Watco declined their bid. PSC is supposed to come in. Cando is supposed to be out by July 15, PSC aren’t officially contracted yet. Will we be without a switch crew? Will they be keeping the existing switching crew workers?


Nick-thank you for attending new officers training. Learned a lot about how meetings should be run. Need to abide by by-laws and international union constitution. Because we transferred from pace to usw, we should have two financial officers. If we would want to change our by-laws, we would need to adapt to the USW by-laws. Contract action teams-a sub-committee that transfers information to the floor during negotiations. 


Need to continue the emphasis on training


Concern with volunteering to cover vacations, the urge to continue manning and training diminishes. Its less expensive to pay OT than to hire new people. Perhaps remind them of Side Agreement 16.


Job posting. If someone takes a job and signs off on the job, but are not capable of doing the job, can they still be disqualified?


Good and Welfare

Jessica Brandl, Jenny Kelnhofer




Czappa motion to adjourn, Janicki second. Motion carried.