Libbey Bankruptcy – July 31, 2020
Your bargaining committees met again this week with Libbey management and the company's attorneys.
We also met with local management in Shreveport and Toledo to present a series of proposals that were aimed at reducing operating cost and improving efficiency by restructuring work and redesigning jobs.
In addition, we proposed administrative changes to further streamline operations and reduce overall cost to the company.
We met internally with our union committees to assess management's responses to our proposals and the amended proposal we received from the company on Thursday afternoon.
We have offered to meet locally with managment on local issues, and we will continue to work over the weekend developing our next proposal and we'll be prepared to respond to management early next week.
The Company's plan to navigate the bankruptcy process still relies too heavily on reducing capacity, laying off workers and reducing wages and benefits for everyone else.
We are committed to stand together in order to make sure union members are treated fairly during this process, save as many jobs as possible and provide as much security as possible.
Your support for your bargaining committees and our solidarity and determination are important to achieving a fair and equitable contract.
Stay strong and stay safe, we'll continue to keep you updated as we proceed.
In Solidarity - USW/IAM - Libbey Bargaining Committee