
Hello fellow nurses,

We have had our first negotiation meeting on November 19th.  Both economic and non-economic proposals were submitted to the hospital administration.  The proposals that were given to the hospital have stemmed from all of the surveys that were given to us.  We will be meeting next week on the 27th and the 28th to get the administrations response to our proposals and negotiate.  Please expect updates next week after the meetings, thank you.

Hi fellow nurses,

Nurses have been asking when their raises and retro pay will start.  Here is some information to help keep you informed.File usw_som_agreement_summary_may_2019.docx

Hi fellow nurses,

The new contract has been ratified: 245 yes, 67 no.  After the contracts are done and printed out, they will be given out.  I will notify you all when the raises will be implemented.  Stay tuned!

The hospital administration has informed me of some miscommunication and rumors going around.  Therefore, we came up with a Q&A form that could help answer some questions that people may have.  Here it is.

Hello fellow RNs,

The voting results are invalid. Unfortunately, the ballots did not coincide with the number of people who were signed in and checked in. There were a couple of more ballots than people. Therefore, the vote has to be done again. New voting dates will be posted ASAP.

Hello fellow nurses,

We are still standing strong.  The hospital is comparing us marketwise to Monmouth Medical, Monmouth Southern Campus, Behavioral Health Barnabas, Hamilton, and Community.  These hospitals are between 43-65 miles from our hospital.  They do not even have Magnet status! We are not accepting this.  We will give them our own list of who we should be compared to marketwise.  We are keeping our stance on better wages and fair healthcare costs.  We will keep you posted.