Here's the image of the new form and instructions for the Anthem 2025 biometric screening process from the Benefits department.
New Biometric Screening Form and Instructions
Fax isn’t an option with Anthem so members can get credit for biometric screening by:
- The member and their doctor complete and sign the attached form. The member emails the form to [email protected] (Anthem won’t accept forms emailed from the provider due to privacy laws). Or,
- The member logs into the Sydney app or and completes the biometric questionnaire: fill in doctor’s name and date of service and submit.
A third alternative which Cigna did not do: Anthem will do a sweep of claims on a recurring basis to identify any procedure codes related to biometric screening. If a code(s) related to biometric is identified, Anthem will give the member credit for the biometric. Anthem is working on finalizing their internal process for this option.