
The next regular Union meeting scheduled will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 9:00am.

Our CAT Team and the USW Bat Light at all three plants. Message? #SolidarityWorks

 Bat Light with USW 1123

Bulletin #7

In the event you are quarantined and want to request a transfer (bid) please call (330) 471-5012 and leave a message with the opening, your name, clock number and phone number. This manner of bidding should only be used for anyone who cannot enter the plant or security services to place a bid due to quarantine protocols. A list of bids will be posted here as soon as the company provides it. Thank you and be safe out there. A contract update will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned. 

From Curtis Green

Bulletin #6

Bulletin #5

Union Meeting Notice