Brad is the current Local Recording Secretary and has been since early 2019. Brad was previously a long time employee of Fessler Machine (1016-05) until the plant closure when he then became an employee of NLMK PA (1016-03) in 2021. Brad's knowledge of our Local and International By-Laws, coupled with his commitment to the Labor Movement and dedication to success make Brad a key player in the smooth and successful operations of our Local Union. Brad was the Unit Safety Chair at Fessler Machine from 2000 - 2004 then became Unit President from 2004 - 2021 when the plant closed down. Brad became a Local Trustee in early 2015 until his appointment to head Trustee which he remained until his appointment of Recording Secretary in early 2019 and has held since. Brad is also a member of the Communication Action Team at his unit 1016-03 NLMK.