Call to Order: President Shawn Willis called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm
Roll Call: Roll call of officer was taken. All answered except Tyron Rias, and Patrick Murphy.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Bob Wolters made to motion to waive the reading of August 2019 general membership meeting minutes, and accept them as written.
Trustees Report: The Trustees Report for the month of September 2019 was read by Trustee Tamika M. After completion of the reading, Bob Wolters moved the trustees report be accepted as read.
Officers Reports; The Financial Secretary Report for the month of September 2019 was presented by Don Taylor. After completion of the reading, Bob W. moved the financial secretary report for the month of September 2019 be accepted.
The lost time and expenses report for the month of September 2019 was presented by Financial Secretary Don Taylor. At the conclusion of the report, Bob W. moved that the lost time and expenses for the month of September 2019 be paid.
The Treasurer Report for the month of September 2019 was presented by Treasurer Greg Ford. After completion of the reading, Bob W. moved the Treasurer's Report for September 2019 be accepted as read.
Communications: None
Committee Reports: Safety - Charlie announced during battery change, members are driving through the area. Charlie said, "Don't do this, could lead to a serious incident." Greg M. asked, "Was there a feeder on the CA Line that got sick?" Don T replied, If your sick, stay home, by you coming to work, you take the risk of getting everyone else sick." Don T spoke on one thing he had learned at the conference he recently attended. Don T. said, "If you are taking CBD oil, and it cost less than $100.00, it more than likely has THC in it, and you will pop dirty on a drug test. Good CBD oil costs more than $100.00.
Rob C. asked, "What happens if you do pop dirty on CBD oil?" Don T. replied, "We comply to US Steel rules on NO TOLERENCE, you pop dirty, you go through the program."
Training - No Report
WOS - No Report
Rapid Response - No Report
Contracting Out - No Report
Staff Report - Mike Young of International gave the staff report, and he spoke on the tribulations effecting members of ECT. He spoke on upcoming negotiations with management on the shutdown of ECT, and what they are possibly going to do with their members. Mike Young stated, "No agreement has been made yet with management, hope to have something within the next few weeks."
President Shawn Willis told members at membership meeting that "our local has not attended any of these meetings." This is only International at these meetings.
Floor was opened to questions (Mike Young, International rep will be answering most questions)
Ken Greenfield asked, "Are they going to shut down boiler house?" Mike Y responded, "We have not got to talk about this yet."
Rob C. asked, "Are they hiring at Gary Works?" Mike Y. responded, "Yes, they did hire 2 people at 1066, and 2 people at 1014, but these guys were hired for specialty projects, one was a manager. Mike Y. also stated that US Steel has a hiring freeze as of right now."
Don T askes, "If US Steel lays members off from ECT, does US Steel have to call the members from ECT back to work before hiring off the streets?" Mike Y. responded, "Yes, including probationary."
Al asked, "Is everyone going to get a copy of the agreement, once it is decided on? Mike Y. responded "Mike Milsap is going to call a meeting with everyone in the local, and he is not sure how the new agreement will be distributed to the members.
Kenny B. askes, "If they pick you to do Flood & Fire watch, can we pass this on to someone else? Will this be by seniority? Mike Y responded, "There is 2 parts to this question, 1. if you get picked for flood & fire, you can pass this to a lower seniority person. 2, whatever job they assign you at another mill, you will not be able to refuse. If you refuse, it means you don't accept the job, and managment will take it that you are quitting.
Martin S. askes, Can they call us back to ECT if they decide to reopen it. Mike Y., responsed: No, once you are moved, you are moved. Members from ECT are filling permanent positions within the other mills.
Shawn W. asked: So if management wants to fire up ECT again, then what? Mike Y. responded: It will not be our problem no more, Management created this problem. Members of ECT are getting permanently placed. Where you are placed is where you will be until postings go up. ECT members will have to wait 1 year until they will be allowed to bid on new position.
Rob C asked: If i get a better job, than someone with higher seniority, is there something he can do because he has higher seniority? Mike Y responded: No, you are being put where management wants you.
Cliff asked: How do we know where the MTM's & MTE's are being placed? Mike Y.: you will be placed by seniority. No talk yet on where they are placeing you yet.
Anthony asked: If ECT restarts, can we go back if we want to? Mike Y. responded: No, permanent placement.
Gretchen asked: Is there a tentative date for this to be done? Mike Y responded: They want everyone out of ECT by Jan. 1, 2020.
Charlie asked: Are they going to allow voluntary layoffs? No voluntary layoffs, no retirement incentives. We have not got this far in talks. Mike stated that he and the company will be meeting to talk more next week. Hopefully he will have a clearer picture after these talks.
President Shawn W. told members not to lose hope. You have everyone working on this to make this transition smooth as possible, and as fairly as possible.
Mike Y said: We are trying to save everyone's job. I will be in contact with President Shawn W and Reggie.
Greg F announced to members that Lisa Popawell (Benefits Coordinator) can walk members through on there numbers for retirement. She is located at the 1066 hall, but she is everyone benefit coordinator. She offers a lot of education, if you need it on retirement.
Motion to Adjourn: Bob W made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
President Shawn W. adjourned meeting at 5:22pm