Novelis once again appealing labor board ruling

The plant is accused of widespread unfair labor practices

On Friday, the board maintained a judge's decision that the company interfered in a union election.

Novelis says it is challenging the NLRB's decision once again:

"We disagree with the NLRB’s ruling, as our employees have already spoken on the issue of joining the United Steelworkers (USW) and made their voices heard in a fair and lawful election.

Because our obligation is, as it has been throughout this process, to ensure that our employees’ decision is validated and respected, we will appeal this decision in the federal courts system, where our employees’ decision had been previously validated in the September 2014 U.S. District Court decision, and the court denied the NLRB’s request for a bargaining order.

We have enjoyed a direct and open relationship with our employees for more than 50 years and will continue to defend their choice to maintain that."

The latest ruling from the NLRB, arrived after the company appealed accusations of "widespread unfair labor practices."

In a statement, USW International President Leo Gerard said:

“The best course of action for Novelis to take now is to accept this ruling, drop any further legal challenges and get to work bargaining a fair contract. Workers trying to make their voices heard to improve their workplace should never face threats and intimidation.”

When workers began to organize nearly three years ago - some say they were interrogated, threatened with job loss, pay cuts, more difficult working conditions and a possible plant closure if they voted in favor of a union.

The labor board found that the offenses were so serious, there was no way to hold a fair vote.

On Friday, that ruling was upheld after the company's appeals went all the way to the NLRB's counsel in Washington D.C.