USW Local 941 – Georgia-Pacific – Brewton, AL

On October 29, 2017, a member of USW Local 941 suffered serious burns to both
legs and one hand. The member was carrying a step ladder when he inadvertently
stepped into an unguarded U-drain with approximately two-feet of hot water and
condensate. The basement area of the #2 Paper Machine has poor lighting and
housekeeping. A rebuild was taking place and the crew was handling an upset
condition. The auto-valve was working incorrectly which caused the chest to
overflow. The member was attempting to use a step ladder to access a manual
valve.  On the day of the incident, fog had increased in the basement by the
cooler temperatures making it even harder to see the unguarded U-drain. USW
Health, Safety and Environment Staff, Steve Sallman, is assisting the local with
the investigation. Emergency response Team Member, Joe Smith, is assisting the