The Results are in!!!

2021 USW local 1440 Election Results


Ben Salazar : 119

Anthony Rubio : 105


Vice President

Martin Fox “mongo” : 134

Ernie Quintana : 84


Recording secretary

Steph De La Rosa : 102

Tino Kalantzis : 116


Inside Guard

Patrick Jensen : 65

Paige Erickson : 46

Chris Smith : 43

Mark Justice : 50


Outside Guard

Terry “TJ” Seymor : 116

Joey Cortez : 95




Jose Perez-Esparza : 105

Rodeny Woodson : 181

Dina Miller : 85

Douglas Chartier : 50

Kyle Greene : 38

Joshua Whiting : 59

Mike Sotomayor : 65

Jesse Slocum : 48


Area Grievance


Anthony Rubio : 31

Jesse Slocum : 30


Josh Gamble : 22

Joe Perez : 22


Lowell Risden : 2

Steph De La Rosa : 4



Financial Secretary : Steve Berendsen

Treasurer : George Guinea

Guide : Derrick Battle

Reliability Grievance : Sebastian “Buzz” Enea

Rolling Grievance : La Shon Craig


Thank you to our tellers!

Kimberle Jeglum

Donny Ford

Nang Mai

Anthony Perez

Swearing in of New Officers will be held on May 13.

The Postion of  Sheet  Grievance will have a Rerun to dispute the Tie.

Thank you to everyone for your voice.