Call to Order
Vice President Vitello called the meeting to order at 7pm at the Labor Hall. 7 people were present.
Roll Call of Officers:
¾ President Cindy Czappa
¾ Vice President Nick Vitello
¾ Treasurer Adam Bray
¾ Trustee Jennifer Kelnhofer
¾ Trustee Jessica Brandl
¾ Trustee Cody Beckman
¾ Sergeant at Arms Mark Gustin
¾ Recording Secretary Jennifer Lieber
Reading of the Minutes
Our last meeting was September 4, 2024. 6 new members were voted in, and we voted to waive their initiation fees. We had 228 members in good standing with 3 non-members: Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Josiah Brandt. We voted to donate $500 to the Rapids School of Performing Arts. We voted to spend up to $500 on candy for the Nekoosa and Ports Edwards homecoming parades. We voted to send President Czappa, Vice President Vitello, and Secretary Lieber to the District 7 meeting. We also set thresholds for 4 on 4 off petition to need 80 signatures by September 18 to be able to hold a vote.
Gustin motion to accept minutes as read, Allworden second. Motion carried
Communication and Bills
Thank you from Rapids Redhawks
Call Letter for Women of Steel meeting
Treasurer’s Report
A detailed list of income and expenses were read, leaving a cash balance of $46,036.44 and savings of $177,926.28. Gustin motion to accept report as read, Beckman second. Motion carried.
Initiation of New Members
Applications for Membership: Bradley Bowman, Brandon Lamb, Tyler Marutz, Shawn McGrath, Joshua Kucharski, Tyler Adams, Joshua Engert, and Austin Tuttle.
Bray motion to waive initiation fees for new members, Gustin second. Motion carried.
New members are: Brian Rickaby, Geoff Van Horn, Nathan Duchrow, Michael Ryun, Mickayla Streeter, and Shane Grosskopf.
Retired: Don Montag
Withdrawn: none
Membership: 234 in good standing, with 4 non-members: Daniel Deranick, Justin Derezinski, Mark Brandt, and Joshiah Brandt.
Reports of Special Committees (celebrations, picnics, etc):
Reports of Permanent Committees
- Grievance Committee (stewards):
- Veterans of Steel:
Backpacks are ordered for veterans day. Not sure if we are stuffing them.
- Women of Steel:
T-shirt design is approved. Pricing will vary depending on how many shirts would get ordered:
36: $20.50/each S-XL
72: $17.50/each S-XL
288: $14.50/each S-XL
Add $2 for 2X; $3 for 3XL.
Signup will be with Nick, Cindy, and Jen.
Lieber would like to motion to fund shirts for anyone in local 59, Bray Second. Motion carried.
- Eboard:
- Eboard recommendation to send up to 3 women to the quarterly Women of Steel meeting. Beckman motion to concur with eboard. Allworden second. Motion carried.
- Eboard recommendation to allow signup for women empowerment shirts
- Would like to get an exact timeframe for when to need refreshing in order to do a job.
- Discussion on splitting up jobs for vacation relief on paper side to allow for training 1-2 jobs ups. John Rhodes is mulling it over and will be getting back to Cindy and Nick. Yes, its good for training, but the contract protects the seniority.
- Training manuals in the woodroom need to be updated-these will be scrutinized mill-wide. It is a passion of John Rhodes
- Woodroom crane window is held together by duct tape
- Oil puddles from hydraulic hoses
- Petition gathered 44 of the 80 required signatures to trigger a vote. Gustin thanks the eboard for the guidelines for the petition and for upholding them.
Unfinished Business
- 5-minute KRONOS punch-in rule, eta? Still no update from HR. Potentially January 1.
- Quilts of Valor for Holiday Stockings-how many? No money needed upfront, request an amount, we will stuff them and deliver. Let VOS or WOS know if you are interested in doing more. -Maybe a domestic shelter or VFW-keep it local
- Potential to purchase property at 315 North Street, Nekoosa for Union Hall. Fire Marshal Capacity?? Terry Wolfe did get a call that someone is interested in buying the building if we would sign a 10-year lease.
New Business
- New shift boss is saying people will get written up if you don’t punch in or punch out. We are unaware of any writeups for forgetting to punch in or out.
- Holiday party-get invites designed to be printed by end of month. Requested back by December 13 for headcount.
Good and Welfare
Alexis and Kelnhofer