USW - Tier 1

Recent Activity

Today, August 31

Yesterday, August 30

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    Brad Greve updated 2024
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  • 2:27pm
    Local 9460 of the Steelworkers has members that are deployed in many different positions throughout our community. One of those locations is Amberwing Center for Youth and Family Wellbeing. At Amberwing, Recreational Therapists and Behavioral Health Technicians work with youth from ages 6 – 18 through a variety of recreational, educational, and creative activities, that support the development of healthy coping skills.
    Our union's NextGen Committee is asking for YOUR support to provide much needed supplies that supplement these vital community services, now through September 30, 2024.
    Please see the attached link for an online registry where you can purchase necessary supplies to support the hard work that these Technicians provide. Once your items have been purchased, please have your items mailed to or dropped off at USW Local 9460 at 2002 London Road, Suite 206, Duluth, MN 55812. If possible, please mark your items as NextGen Art Supply Drive.
    Please contact the Local Union Office with any questions at (218) 724 – 5223.
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    Craig Mapes
    Loranda Walker
  • 12:06pm
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    Join Us for a Meeting That Matters!
    Join Us for a Meeting That Matters!
    Date:        Saturday, September 14, 2024        
    Date:        Saturday, September 14, 2024        
    Time:      4:30 PM -6:30 PM - Tailgate BBQ & Brief Meeting at Lane Street prior to Whitecaps Game ( must be registered to game to attend ) Invite sent August 12
    Time:     5:30 PM -6:30 PM - Tailgate BBQ & Brief Meeting at Lane Street prior to Whitecaps Game ( must be registered to game to attend ) Invite sent August 12
    Location:  5261 Lane St. Burnaby BC V5H 4A6
    Location:  5261 Lane St. Burnaby BC V5H 4A6
    Changes to Event Date
    Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 4:30pm to Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 10:00pm
    Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 5:30pm to Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 10:00pm
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    Procurement Department
    Ernie Console
    Ernie Console
    705-206-1121Plate & Strip - Flat-roll Mtce
    705-206-1121Plate & Strip - Flat-roll Mtce
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Thursday, August 29

  • 10:04pm
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    [[{"fid":"25975","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default"}},"attributes":{"class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]
    *2024* =======================================================================
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  • 10:03pm
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  • 10:02pm
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    Click on the Backpack to view the pictures of the day
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  • 10:01pm
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  • 10:00pm


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    Hello members,
    Hello members,
    Earlier today, members of the Federal Liberal Party of Canada’s 416 Liberal Caucus, representing every Liberal constituency in the Greater Toronto Area sent Telus President and CEO Darren Entwistle a message outlining their concerns with his recent plot to eliminate more of your jobs through office closures, forced relocations, and VSPs. This strongly worded message to Darren described how Telus’ recent actions would “…hurt the livelihoods of dedicated employees who have driven the company’s success but also contribute to a troubling race to the bottom, undermining the community's economic foundation.”
    Earlier today, members of the Federal Liberal Party of Canada’s 416 Liberal Caucus, representing every Liberal constituency in the Greater Toronto Area sent Telus President and CEO Darren Entwistle a message outlining their concerns with his recent plot to eliminate more of your jobs through office closures, forced relocations, and VSPs. This strongly worded message to Darren described how Telus’ recent actions would “/*…hurt the livelihoods of dedicated employees who have driven the company’s success but also contribute to a troubling race to the bottom, undermining the community's economic foundation.”*/
    Read what Darren received in his inbox *here [1]*, which arrived on the heels of your victory at the Supreme Court of BC that imposed a temporary injunction on Telus’ plans to harm communities where our members live and work.
    Read what Darren received in his inbox *here [1]*, which arrived on the heels of your victory at the Supreme Court of BC that imposed a temporary injunction on Telus’ plans to harm communities where our members live and work.
    This latest letter joins earlier concerns written by other Members of Parliament, specifically MPs Matthew Green and Bonita Zarrillo [2]  [3]on behalf of the Federal NDP [4],  [5]Conservative MPs John Brassard and Doug Shipley from Barrie [6],...
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    Chers membres,

    En début de journée, des membres du 416e caucus libéral du Parti libéral du Canada, représentant toutes les circonscriptions libérales de la région du Grand Toronto, ont envoyé au président et chef de la direction de Telus, Darren Entwistle, un message exprimant leurs inquiétudes au sujet de son récent complot qui consiste à éliminer un plus grand nombre de vos emplois par la fermeture de bureaux, des déménagements forcés et des indemnités volontaires. Ce message à M. Entwistle décrit comment les récentes actions de Telus « ...nuisent aux moyens de subsistance des employés dévoués qui ont contribué au succès de l'entreprise, mais contribuent également à une course troublante vers le bas, affaiblissant les fondements économiques de la communauté ».

    Lisez ici ce que Darren a reçu dans sa boîte courriel, peu après votre victoire à la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique qui a imposé une injonction temporaire contre les plans de Telus visant à nuire aux communautés où nos membres vivent et travaillent.

    Cette dernière lettre vient s'ajouter aux préoccupations déjà exprimées par d'autres députés, notamment les députés Matthew Green et Bonita Zarrillo au nom du parti fédéral NPD, les députés conservateurs John Brassard et Doug Shipley de Barrie, ainsi que le conseiller municipal de Toronto, Parthi Kandavel.

    Le fait que cette question bénéficie d'un soutien sincère de tous les partis montre à quel point le dernier projet de Darren visant à supprimer des emplois au Canada est déconnecté de la réalité.

    Pour vous donner un peu de contexte, au cours des 15 dernières années, Telus a bénéficié de contrats d'une valeur de plus de 2,7 milliards de dollars avec le seul gouvernement fédéral, tout en envoyant sans relâche des milliers et des milliers d'emplois canadiens bien rémunérés à l'étranger.

    Nous savons tous qu'il est rare que nos élus soient d'...

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    Congratulations to the winners in the special election held August 27 and 28. Mike Moranville won the election for Trustee, and Tim Linn won the election for Guide.

    PDF icon special_election_results.pdf

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    USW members must apply through the link below. You do not sign these postings at the Union Hall.  In the application questionnaire, *indicate that you are a current USW member in order to receive first consideration*.  Please click HERE [2] to read the preference in hiring letter.
    USW members must apply through the link below. You do not sign these postings at the Union Hall.  In the application questionnaire, *indicate that you are a current USW member in order to receive first consideration*.  Please click HERE [2] to read the preference in hiring letter.
    Operation Technician-Cascade [3]

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  • 2:01pm
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    *Stand Together, Fight Together!*
    *Stand Together, Fight Together!*
    *Join Us for a Meeting That Matters!*
    *Join Us for a Meeting That Matters!
    Date: Wednesday, September 11th 2024
    Time: BBQ starts 6:00 pm
    Meeting starts 7:00 pm
    Location: USW Local 1944 Lane Street Office
    5261 Lane St, Burnaby
    - Learn about your rights and benefits
    - Learn about your rights and benefits
    Changes to Event Date
    Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 6:30pm to Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 8:30pm
    Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 6:00pm to Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 8:30pm
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    Hello members,

    Earlier today, members of the Federal Liberal Party of Canada’s 416 Liberal Caucus, representing every Liberal constituency in the Greater Toronto Area sent Telus President and CEO Darren Entwistle a message outlining their concerns with his recent plot to eliminate more of your jobs through office closures, forced relocations, and VSPs. This strongly worded message to Darren described how Telus’ recent actions would “…hurt the livelihoods of dedicated employees who have driven the company’s success but also contribute to a troubling race to the bottom, undermining the community's economic foundation.”

    Read what Darren received in his inbox here, which arrived on the heels of your victory at the Supreme Court of BC that imposed a temporary injunction on Telus’ plans to harm communities where our members live and work.

    This latest letter joins earlier concerns written by other Members of Parliament, specifically MPs Matthew Green and Bonita Zarrillo on behalf of the Federal NDPConservative MPs John Brassard and Doug Shipley from Barrie, as well as Toronto City Councillor Parthi Kandavel.

    The fact that this issue has sincere cross-party support shows just how out of touch Darren’s latest scheme to cut Canadian jobs is.

    To offer some context, over the past 15 years Telus has enjoyed over $2.7 billion worth of contracts with the federal government alone yet has relentlessly sent thousands upon thousands of good paying Canadian jobs overseas.

    We all know how rare it is for our elected officials to agree on anything – yet they’re lining up to condemn Telus’ move to close call centres and force workers out of their jobs. Canadians and government officials alike are waking up to a fact that Telus employees have known for many years: Telus seems to not to have the best interests of Canada in mind.

    USW Local 1944 leadership, joined by shop...

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