About Us

We are the United Steelworkers, Local 6787. We represent approximately 3,400 union members in Burns Harbor, Indiana. We are part of North America’s largest industrial union which is 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. Our members are leaders in your communities, in your work places, in our governments and more. 

We believe in better. We stand up and fight back for better. We work for working families in our communities and around the world. 

6787 is proudly represented by President Pete Trinidad Sr., the Executive Board and Zone Grievers. 


USW Local 6787 President
USW Local 6787 Vice President
USW 6787 Financial Secretary
USW 6787 Treasurer
USW 6787 Recording Secretary
USW 6787 Trustee
USW 6787 Trustee
USW 6787 Trustee
USW 6787 Guide
USW 6787 Inner Guard
USW 6787 Outer Guard
USW 6787 Grievance Committee Chairman
USW 6787 Zone 1 Griever (Plate Mills)
USW 6787 Zone 2 Griever (Finishing)
USW 6787 Zone 3 Griever (Steel Making)
USW 6787 Zone 4 Griever (Hot Mill)
USW 6787 Zone 5 Griever (MEU)
USW 6787 Zone 6 Griever Iron Producing
Zone 7 Griever Coke Ovens
USW 6787