
September 23, 2021 - Over the last week, USW Local 1944 members should have received a package containing voting instructions and a unique PIN for the upcoming USW International Election nomination vote on Wednesday, September 29th.

This vote will determine who, if anyone, Local 1944 nominates for offices of the USW International Executive Board. A sample voting package can be viewed here.

September 9, 2021 - It is with immense sadness and a broken heart that I inform you that USW Local Representative Joe Benn passed away just a short time ago. His sister Sue held him tight as he left us behind. Having suffered a catastrophic stroke in the early morning last Saturday September 4th, and having no chance of recovery, Joe has now been taken off life support.

September 3, 2021 - “As mentioned previously, bargaining with Telus will start next month.

We have been encouraging members to get involved, in every Unit, in every workplace, whether that means attending your Unit Meetings, signing up for training, participating in PUMA campaigns, and so on.

September 2, 2021 - The federal government recently made September 30th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a statutory holiday, as a small step toward reconciliation with the First Peoples of Canada. It is intended as a day off from work that we can use to learn and grieve together as a country. 

September 1, 2021 - Local 1944 has reviewed yesterday’s Telus Vaccination Policy announcement, and we are in support of it. It is very important that members read the Policy and related explanatory documents carefully to fully understand what the Policy is and what it isn’t, as there already appears to be some misunderstanding of what is being required.
August 24, 2021 - On July 19th, Local 1944 issued a bulletin stating that the USW International Executive Board nomination process had begun, and that the deadline for a member to submit the name of a candidate for nomination to any International Executive Board position was August 6th.

August 10, 2021 - USW Local 1944 has been providing multiple steward training classes every month since March, is continuing to do so to meet demand. As members keep lining up to help protect their rights and those of their coworkers by getting trained, a new set of three courses is now being scheduled for September. These sessions will be held in English only.

August 9, 2021 - Elections matter and Steelworker involvement can make a difference. Here’s your chance to get involved: Steelworkers Vote online campaign schools will be held in September and October. These schools are a great opportunity to learn about politics, learn new campaign skills, build a network of engaged Steelworkers and volunteer for the NDP. 

August 5, 2021 - Whether it’s lobbying for paid sick days, standing against racism, bargaining good contracts, or supporting a co-worker who is struggling to cope, USW members stand in solidarity with workers and equity-seeking groups. The Union has introduced a series of 3 online one-day workshops built around the theme of “Solidarity in Hard Times”. The next two workshops are: