
November 23, 2017 - The TWU-USW Employee Life and Health Plan is looking for a USW Local 1944 member who is interested to serve as a plan trustee.

November 22, 2017 - Yesterday, members of USW Local 1944 conducted a vote for the 2017 Local Union Bylaw Ratification.

November 20, 2017 - Tomorrow, Tuesday November 21st, 2017, members of USW Local 1944 will be voting for the 2017 Local Union Bylaw Ratification.

The vote will be occurring by electronic ballot, between the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (Pacific Time).

We remind our members that the full language of the proposed Bylaws changes is available online.

The Local's National Executive Council strongly recommends the ratification of the proposed Bylaws changes. Please refer to the dedicated Hotline to have a better understanding of the benefits of each proposed Bylaws change.

November 15, 2017 - All eligible members are currently receiving an important voter package in the mail for the upcoming Local Union Bylaw Ratification Vote on Tuesday, November 21st. Voting will be held by electronic ballot (internet and telephone) and your voter package contains a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) that will be required to cast your vote.

November 10, 2017 - November 11, 1918 marked the end of the first World War by the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany.

Every year, on November 11th, we honour and remember the incredible courage and sacrifice of the Canadian sisters and brothers who went to war to protect our democracy, safety and freedom. They were ordinary Canadians who made extraordinary sacrifices.

November 9, 2017 - Keep up-to-date on the latest happenings! The Fall 2017 edition of the Transmitter is now available online:

The Transmitter provides information concerning our Local, as well as the federal and global labour current affairs that may impact our members and our communities. Get inspired by our actions and achievements, and get involved to help our union stay strong!

November 8, 2017 - Today, November 8th, is the one year anniversary of the Shaw reorganization that resulted in 54 of our members being laid off.

November 7, 2017 - The Board of Trustees of the Telecommunications Workers Pension Plan (TWPP) approved a 3.50% pension increase for all members who retired prior to January 1, 2010.

October 31, 2017 - The USW Local 1944 Bylaw Ratification vote for 2017 will be occurring on November 21st by electronic ballot, between the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (Pacific Time).

October 27, 2017 - Telus Communications announced to its call centre employees that it is taking the issue of call centre abuse seriously.