British Columbia

March 24, 2022 - Today is the 2022 Local By-Law Ratification Vote regarding two proposed amendments to the USW Local 1944 By-Laws that were approved by delegates at last year’s Local Union Delegated Meeting.

March 23, 2022 - Tomorrow, Thursday, March 24 is the 2022 Local By-Law Ratification Vote regarding two proposed amendments to the USW Local 1944 By-Laws that were approved by delegates at last year’s Local Union Delegated Meeting. These proposals were explained in a previous hotline and can be found here.

Due to an overwhelming demand, we have added 3 additional Shop Steward courses! These 3 additional sessions will be held in ENGLISH only. Again, if you would prefer to be taught in French, please wait to register, as we’ll be announcing a FRENCH session soon. Each offering will have a capacity of 14 participants.
USW Local 1944’s first By-Law Ratification Vote since 2017 is occurring by electronic ballot on Thursday, March 24, from 5:00 am to 8:00 pm Pacific Time, and all members in good standing of the Local are entitled to vote.
March 8, 2022 - This International Women’s Day we thank, honour and celebrate the generations before us who bravely fought, toiled and struggled for the equality that we enjoy today.

March 4, 2022 - Your Bargaining Committee would like to announce that we reached a tentative agreement with MAP Communications on March 1st, 2022 following talks on February 4th, 25th and March 1st.

March 1, 2022 - The Bargaining Committee would like to address some Company actions and rumors we have been hearing from you, our Local 1944 members. It's important for you to know that during a bargaining year the Company practices may change. What was once acceptable may no longer be. Thus described as the ‘silly season’.

Our Collective Agreement remains in full force and effect. Our members need to know it and enforce it.

Remember if you don't hear it from us, it's likely not true!!

February 8, 2022 - On February 9 and 16, 2022, Candace Knoll, from Unit 51, member of the Civil and Human Rights Committee and of the USW 1944 – Telus Bargaining Committee, will be participating on a panel for Black History Month, Facing Facts and Finding Feelings, co-sponsored by the National Congress of Black Women Foundation, New Westminster & District Labour Council and Vancouver and District Labour Council.

Sister Knoll will be a speaker on two different panels:

February 2, 2022 - On February 1st, the Union and Company met to begin bargaining a revised collective agreement for our members working at MAP Communications.

The Company bargaining committee consists of chief negotiator Ron Waine, Vice President, Operations (Canada), Ashley Grodecki, and Tasha Walker.

In preparation for bargaining, the Union surveyed the membership and learned job security and work-life balance are top priorities of the members.

February 1, 2022 - USW Local 1944 is constantly looking for ways to protect you. We are in the midst of a major campaign to do exactly that. PROTECT YOU! One way we are succeeding in doing that is by ensuring that all eligible discipline is removed. At a time when Telus is frequently disciplining, one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself is to have old discipline removed from your file. This is a right enshrined in Article 10.03 of the current Collective Agreement.