All Committees

Members as of January 3, 2024


Employee Life & Health Plan Trustees

Czar Loquia
Harleigh Hansen
Rachel Worley - Local Union Representative
Tamara Marshall - Trustee

Pension Trustees - TWPP

Donna Hokiro - President, ex-officio
Michael Phillips - Secretary-Treasurerex-officio
Czar Loquia
Chris Stephens - Local Union Representative


Civil and Human Rights Committee
Vacant - AB
Chris Endicott - BC 
Keller Reeves - BC
Cara Boadway - BC
Gitika Sharma - BC
Maverick Olson - BC
Reuben Kahn - ON
Brenda Sorensen - ON
Vacant - QC
Marie Hutchinson - Chair
Email: [email protected]
Worker's Compensation and Health & Safety

Keller Reeves - Rogers
John Alma - AB
Gigi Wojdyga - AB 

Kelly Beaven - BC
Reuben Kahn - ON
Vacant - QC
David Makoutz - Rogers alternate

Corey Mandryk - REO BC, Co-Chair
Richard Blais - REO AB, Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

Next Generation Committee
Dragan Andric - AB
Nicholas Luz - AB 
Andrii Aksonov - AB
Matt Rizzo - BC
Gitika Sharma - BC
Brandon Horton - BC
David Rankin - QC
Vacant - ON
Neil Marshall - REO BC, Chair
Email: [email protected]

Political Action Committee

Robin Navin - AB
Kristan Fesik - AB
Steve Durrell - Local Union Representative, AB
Alexander Livingston - 
Local Union Representative, QC

Jordan Mohle - BC 
Vacant - ON

Cory Anderson - AB
Richard Blais - REO AB, Chair
Email: [email protected]

Women of Steel Committee 
Robin Navin - AB 
Vacant - BC
Lindsay Hardy - BC
Vacant - ON
Genevieve “Gigi” Wojdyga - AB, Secretary
Terika Peters - QC, Chair
Rachel Worley - Local Union Representative

Email: [email protected]

Organizing Committee
Jayson Little - USW Staff Representative
Corey Mandryk - REO BC
Michael Phillips - Secretary-Treasurer
Donna Hokiro - President
Pierre-Luc Dick - Vice President, Chair
Email: [email protected]


Grievance Committee

Alexander Livingston - Local Union Representative, QC
Steve McWhirter - Local Union Representative, BC
Cory Serson - Local Union Representative, ON
Steve Durrell - Local Union Representative, QC
Michael Phillips - Secretary-Treasurer
Donna Hokiro - President
Pierre-Luc Dick - Vice President, Chair
Email: [email protected]

Project for United Membership Action Committee
Richard Blais - REO AB
Ross Brown - Trustee
Jayson Little - USW Staff Representative
Pierre-Luc Dick - Vice President, National Prime
Michael Phillips - Secretary-Treasurer, Chair
Email: [email protected]



Employment Equity Committee
Marton Szabo
Robin Arndt - Local Union Representative
Ross Brown - Trustee, Chair

JEMS Committee
(Clerical Job Classifications/Evaluation)
Steve McWhirter - Local Union Representative