3rd Quarter 2018 Profit Sharing

The 9/1/15 United Steelworkers Basic Labor Agreement (BLA) provides for a profit sharing pool of 7.5% of the company’s profits, defined as Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT).  The Company reported an unaudited adjusted EBIT of $381,216,346.93.

 As a result, there was $28,591,226.02 in profit sharing generated for the pool. There were 6,274,317.86 eligible hours worked resulting in a profit sharing amount of $4.557 per hour with a maximum of 48 eligible hours per week.

 $4.557 x 520 hours = $2,369.64

$4.557 x 624 hours = $2,843.57

Pete Trinidad

USW LU 6787 President