Contact Us

President - Chris Frydenger- 217-358-1978

Vice President- Kenny Grandon- 217-433-9442 

Bargaining/Grievance Chair - Jim Bowling- 217-820-4117 Department 80 (2100)

Bargaining/Grievance Committee - Joe Peoples- 217-791-0071 Department 50/100/35 (1100, 3400, 3700, 3300)

Bargaining/Grievance Committee - Rich Daughty- 309-531-8185 Department 70/47/36/37 (2400, 8300, 4300, 4200)

Bargaining/Grievance Committee - Courtney Spence- 217-329-8885 Department 60 (1400)

Bargaining/Grievance Committee- Erik Davenport- 217-737-9375 Skilled Department

Email: USW[email protected]


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