

Hello everyone,

Today’s letter is definitely a little more upbeat than the last few. Today we where told that our projected sales have gone up for the month of May.  That will be enough to keep both plants running for now.  Please keep in mind that this is an extremely fluid situation, and just because we have good news today does not mean that it can’t turn around for the worse tomorrow.  

There are going to be a few operational changes coming, if they have not already taken place.  First, like I mentioned a few weeks ago that Deca recovery will be shut down and those employees will be used elsewhere.  In the mine there will be some production crews that will be moved out-by to do some rehab work.  There may be some other changes coming but this is all I am aware of at this time.  We remain committed to do everything possible to keep all members working during these turbulent times.  

It appears that so far, our region has been spared from the high number of infections seen elsewhere.  Hopefully that will lead to less restrictions and in turn a little more normalcy to our everyday lives.  With all of these distractions it only makes the chance of having an accident greater. Please try to do your best to keep your mind on the job.  I’m not sure I need to say this but tonight’s union meeting is canceled.  It was not posted at the plant and I apologize for the oversight. 

In solidarity 

Mike Hernandez