Local 2705 elections were held on April 5th and 6th 2021, at the Hibbing Memorial building in the dining hall on the east end of the main north entrance to the buiding (our normal monthly meeting location). The polls were open both days from 6 AM to 8 AM and 1 PM until 8:30 PM.
The current incumbents at the positions of President (Chris Johnson), Vice-President (Steve Rancourt), Recording Secretary (Bill Fredette), Financial Secretary (Mike Mandich) and Treasurer (Wade Bexell), ran unopposed and will garner another three year term. The current Guide (Mike Rootes), has chosen not to run again. That job will be will be taken over by Jon Niemi, who was nominated for the position, accepted and, also, ran unopposed.
There were seven nominees vieing for three positions as Trustees. They included, Rich Jacklen, Justin Blazewicz, Ed Rancourt, Frank Lamusga, Steve "Pudgy" Prebonich, Wade Yuhala and Bryan Fisher. After ballots were counted Bryan Fisher, Steve "Pudgy" Prebonich, Rich Jacklen will take on the duties of Trustees.
There were five nominees vieing for the 2 guard positions. They included, Andy Fisher, Matt HIti, Jessica Rootes, Chad Van Reese, and Austin Walters. Andy Fisher and Jessica Rootes will hold the two guard positions.
Thanks to everyone who voted and volunteers who helped at the polls on election day and congratulations to the new members of the e-board.