
Over the next couple of weeks we will be circulating a petition requesting that no further extensions be given to Mesaba Metallics.  This petition will be brought to the Minnesota State Executive B

Local 2705 elections were held on April 5th and 6th 2021, at the Hibbing Memorial building in the dining hall on the east end of the main north entrance to the buiding (our normal monthly meeting location).  The polls were open both days from 6 AM to 8 AM and 1 PM until 8:30 PM.

Nominations for the USW Local 2705 were taken at the March meeting and the ballot has been set.  The elections will be held on April 5th and 6th 2021 at the Hibbing Memorial building in the dining

Elections will be held for all local union positions in April.  Nominations will be accepted at the monthly meeting on March 10th.  Active members may nominate themselves or other active members for any of the executive board positions.  These positions include, president, vice-president, recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, trustee, guard and guide.  Members who are nominated will be given a 24 hour window to decide whther or not to accept thei nomination and run for a position.  Members may be nominated for multiple positions, but can only accept a nomination and run for o

The Local 2705 Women of Steel Committee rapped up their school supply drive this past week by delivering all of the items to eight local schools. 

The Local 2705 recently wrapped up collections for its 2019 School Supply Drive.  Bins were placed thoughout the property and items that were donated were collected this last week.

The Local 2705 Women of Steel Committee is currently working on a school supply drive to help our local schools. 

The Local 2705 Golf Outing will be held on August 3rd 2019 at the Mesaba country Club.

Jan 11, 2019

USW letter regarding shutdown of U.S. government

Click here to download a printable version of this letter. 

USW International President Leo W. Gerard this week sent a letter to Washington, D.C., leaders about the shutdown of the United States government. Text of the letter is as follows:

The Local 2705 Women of Steel Comittee completed their First Annual Hat and Mitten Drive at the end of December.  The committee placed bins in each department for members to drop in donations of hats, mittens or jackets.  Donations of totalling $800 in cash were also received.  Using this money, the commitee purchased around 160 hats and 70  pairs of gloves.  They ended up with approximately 210 hats, 90 pairs of gloves and 16 jackets.

I know I'm a little slow in getting some updates onto this site.  With the holdays done, I'm sure I'll be able to find some more time to keep things in order here.