Minnesota Elections 2018

Typically this site will remain apolitical.  Only issues that could affect your job or your working condtions will be brought to your attention here.  However, it is our belief that it is the responsibility of all of our members to take an active interest in knowing and understanding the issues and knowing which candidates will best represent their views, opinions or beliefs.  

Often, we do not take the time to learn about the candidates before we vote for them, automatically assuming that their party affilitation places their beliefs in line with ours.  This is where debates can often shed some light on a candidates platform so that we can make a more informed decision when it comes time to vote.  Debates between candidates for national positions are major events and receive plenty of coverage, but the more local ones can be harder to find.  Our major party candidates faced off this past week at the state fair.  Interesting to watch and listen to them discuss their positions.