Next Gen

Next Generation is a program to inspire and educate the young members of the United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union that proudly represents 1.2 million current and retired workers. The Steelworkers of today work in industries like manufacturing, oil, paper, health care and pharmaceutical, education, public services, mining, forestry and so much more.

The USW has a proud history of standing up for workers and making our world a better place. The Next Generation program honors our past, protects our present and aims to make our union viable and relevant for the future by introducing our newest members to a lifetime of activism.

Our current Next-Gen Committee maintains the website and social media platforms. As well as creates and distributes the quarterly newsletters and other flyers around the plant site. If you want to get involved, please reach out using the above link.

Contact Sam Rodgers @ 541 223 6310 for more information.

