About Us

Local Union Leadership: President- John Thompson, VP- TBD, Secretary- Andy Clark, Financial Secretary- Bruce Briscoe, Guard- Joe Bosnyak, Guide- Jeremy Ginger, Trustees- Joe Engle, Kenny Grandon, Mike Frick

Bargaining/grievance Committee- Jim Hackert, Howard Reynolds, Jim Bowling, Todd Harden, Brian Blassi

Next Gen Chair- Adam Hosto, Women of Steel Chair- Brandi Rosenbuger, Civil Rights Chair- Al Bunch & Paulette Jones, Rapid Response Chair- Chris Frydenger, Safety- Kenny Grandon, Dan Zimmerman, Solidarity Committee Chair- Justin Rice, Time Study- Plant 1- Jeff Rozanski Plant 4- Chris Frydenger

We work at Mueller Company in Decatur, IL. We work at two different plants in Decatur that are roughly 3 miles apart. We produce gas and water flow control valves, couplings, and drilling and tapping machines. Our local was chartered November 4, 1943 and we eventually merged with the USW in 2005. We are proud of what we do and we are proud to be Steelworkers. Solidarity!! 

We are the United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union. We’re 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. We proudly represent men and women who work in nearly every industry there is. Our members are leaders in your communities, in your work places, in our governments and more. We have a presence in the United Kingdom, Ireland, England, Scotland, Mexico and many other places around the world.

We believe in better. We stand up and fight back for better. We work for working families around the world.