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No longer. Most companies eliminated defined-benefit plans providing a reliable income stream and implemented 401(k) plans that leave workers at the mercy of stock market volatility, like the kind that rattled investors this week and crushed workers in 2008. No longer. Most companies eliminated defined-benefit plans providing a reliable income stream and implemented 401(k) plans that leave workers at the mercy of stock market volatility, like the kind that rattled investors this week and crushed workers in 2008.

Maecenas ac lacinia justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras mattis in libero ac porta. Phasellus magna diam, egestas vitae sodales id, congue nec orci. Maecenas at porttitor turpis. Maecenas pellentesque sodales turpis sit amet sagittis. Aenean mollis, lacus nec faucibus aliquam, magna turpis dictum elit, eu maximus justo neque id lectus.

Nulla sed condimentum risus. Integer vitae tristique nunc. Proin mollis lectus 

“Our movement began with concerns about transparency and limited career opportunities, but it now has even greater urgency as it’s expanded to address furloughs, pay cuts, and safety issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Katie Pirilla, an art handler at the Carnegie Museum of Art. “Workers continued organizing throughout the pandemic and found renewed strength in our fight for a safe museum for employees and the public alike.”


Unit Chair Main Unit
Christian Norton
King in the North
Pumpkin Eater