Over the next couple of weeks we will be circulating a petition requesting that no further extensions be given to Mesaba Metallics. This petition will be brought to the Minnesota State Executive Board, which includes the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, the State Attorney General and the State Auditor. It is our sincere belief that the Mesaba Metallics, or "Essar" property, as it is more commonly known, has been given more than an acceptable amount of time and taxpayer money to get off the ground. Believe it or not, this project has been wallowing in mediocrity since the late '90's. Our expectation is that the Governor and his team will hold true to the latest line that they have drawn in the sand. A legitimate owner/operator for that property could possibly bring mine life to HIbbing Taconite.
The petition will be brought out to the departments for everyone to sign and we will also circulate it through our communities in an effort to make our postition clear. Please take the time to sign it and let others know about the importance of it.