About Us

Local 13571 is an Amalgamated local presently made up of 9 units in various manufacturing industries.

  • Blanco a global manufacturer of kitchen and bathroom fixtures, sinks and tubs.
  • Core Manufacturing manufacturers of engine raditors
  • Darcor maufacturers of casters
  • Flextile Manufacturing ceramics
  • Hydro a global manufacturer of innovative aluminum solutions
  • Jacob and Thompson CNC Machining.
  • Mirolin manufaturers of acrylic tub and shower components
  • Reynolds Consumer Products.
  • Torcad Metal Plating

We are the United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union. We’re 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. We proudly represent men and women who work in nearly every industry there is. Our members are leaders in your communities, in your work places, in our governments and more. We have a presence in the United Kingdom, Ireland, England, Scotland, Mexico and many other places around the world.

We believe in better. We stand up and fight back for better. We work for working families around the world.