2022 Worker's Memorial Day

April 28th is known throughout the country as Worker’s Memorial Day. A day to remember those who have died, been injured or suffered illness from the toils of their work.

In our plant, this day is personal. 31 precious lives have been lost since 1967. 31 families have been forever changed. We must remember them, not only today, but every day. We must remember them in our daily tasks and our every movement. We owe it to them. We owe it to their families. We owe it to the men and women working here today and we owe it to the next generation of Steelworkers to ensure they did not die in vain.

As the years go by, the memories of our fallen Brothers and Sisters are carried on. Their cause will never fail. Others have picked up the struggles of our departed. While steel will no longer will reach its temper from their sweat and blood, they must remain in our conscience to help us remain consistent with the realities of working-class life to ensure their legacy will persevere.

We can’t change the past, but we can work together for a better tomorrow with a renewed promise of safe jobs for all workers.

In Solidarity on this Somber Day, 
Pete Trinidad Sr.
USW Local 6787