2023 3rd Quarter Profit Sharing

The 9/1/2022 United Steelworkers Basic Labor Agreement (BLA) provides for a profit-sharing pool of 6% of the Company’s profits, defined as Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT).

There was an adjusted reported EBITA of 603,000,000. There were 6,162,422 eligible hours worked resulting in a profit-sharing amount of $2.11 per hour with a maximum of 48 eligible hours per week.

Adjusted EBITDA – Depreciation & Amortization x Profit-Sharing Percentage (6%)  x USW Hours Ratio (60%) ÷ Eligible hours = Payout/hour.

$2.11 x 520 hours = $1,097.20
$2.11 x 624 hours = $1,316.64

In Solidarity, 

Pete Trinidad Sr. 
USW Local 6787