College Scholarship Opportunities

Being a Union Member offers you and your family opportunities to submit applications for college scholarships to help offset the cost of continued education. Currently, there are 3 college scholarships available.

The Cleveland-Cliffs Sons and Daughters Scholarship is accepting applications until March 15th 2023. This scholarship offers $3,000 annually for 4 years available to Employees with high school seniors graduating in Spring 2023. Applications for interested applicants are available at:

The Tino Fulimeni Scholarship Fund through ICD will be awarding $1,000 scholarships to 2023 high school graduates enrolled in college in the fall semester of 2023 or a college student returning to school in the fall semester of 2023 or spring semester of 2024. Applications must be received by November 1st 2023 and may be found here:

 A Free College Benefit is also available to USW members and their families. This program is completed online at  Eastern Gateway Community College. Applications are currently open at:

Additional information on each scholarship opportunity is available at the websites listed above. 

In Solidarity, 
Pete Trinidad Sr. 
USW Local 6787