Communications are ongoing regarding the issues with the closure of the Main Gate. However, we have made some progress. We have a commitment from management to extend the Main Gate times. Beginning May 8th the Main Gate will be open from 5:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and closed from 7:30 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. and on weekends. I realize this may not seem like a big change, but based on gate swipe times, this will allow an additional 600 Employees in and 1,200 Employees out to avoid the bottleneck at the gate during the busiest shift changes. The Company has also agreed to keep 2 lanes open at the East Gate to help with traffic flow. We will continue to meet with the Company regarding the issues which arise during other shift changes.
Grievances have been filed for violations of our incentive plans in areas that have been affected by reduced operations. If you have questions regarding your incentive plan please contact your Zone Griever or the Incentive Committee Chairman.
GM will be reopening their facilities beginning May 18th and Ford has opened 1 facility on April 20th to produce ventilators. However, as of today there are no start up dates for the remaining Ford Motor Co. facilities. Some of the smaller UAW plants have also started up. As more information becomes available, we will be sure to keep you posted.
According to the Roadmap to reopen Indiana, if you are unable to maintain 6 feet of social distancing you must wear a face mask. Masks may be obtained from your Supervisor or Safety Reps. Employees are allowed to bring and wear non-company issued facial coverings provided they do not pose a significant safety risk and do not have offensive graphics or print. Sometime next week management will have the capability to take temperatures of those who are concerned about their temperature.
We hope the Governor’s plan to reopen Indiana is implemented in a safe and successful manner. Please continue to practice good hygiene and social distancing. Once again, thank you for your continued patience during this pandemic. Stay safe and healthy.
In Solidarity,
Pete Trinidad Sr.
USW Local 6787 President