LU 7-336 Solidarity Rally

Unilver is a plant located in Hammond. They make bar soap and the employees are USW members of Local Union 7-00336.

Over the past couple of years, this plant has had local management and Corporate HR changes.
Since the arrival of these new managers, the Local Union President, Takyla Johnson, was terminated for no other reason than an anti-union management ideology.
Her discharge grievance is being processed through arbitration.

Mike Allen, Vice-President of 7-00336, moved up to temporarily fill in for Takyla. Mike recently has also been terminated without reason.

The labor agreement requires the Union and Management to have joint participation in operating this plant. The Company has basically removed everything they don't like, including Takyla and Mike, while using the membership to continue what they do like.

Takyla’s arbitration case will be finalized next month. Mike's case, will be arbitrated, as well.
Board charges against the company have been filed and our Director, Mike Millsap has requested a meeting with the Company and the 7-00336 Executive Board.

LU 7-00336 members are fighting back daily. Collectively, we need to show we have their back!
Unilever needs to see that a fight with one, is fight with all of District 7!

A Solidarity Rally will take place on August 2nd at 3:30pm beginning at the Local Union 7-00336 Union Hall. We will march two blocks to the plant with and then return to their Hall.
Please join the Brothers and Sisters of LU 7-00336 in this important action!