Our committee has no doubt made progress toward new labor agreements with ArcelorMittal over the last few weeks, but we are not going let management force us into accepting anything less than what we have earned and deserve.
We remain at odds with the company over a number of outstanding issues; the most significant item still on the table is profit sharing.
Our union is dedicated to seeing this process through to the end, and we are keenly aware that management would like nothing more than for us to give up and allow the company to nickel and dime its way out of the industry pattern.
We will not let that happen.
We have worked too hard and too long for management to frustrate our good faith attempts to bargain fair contracts that meet the needs of our membership and acknowledge the important role Steelworkers play in every aspect of the company’s success.
As negotiations proceed, please continue to work safely and stand together.
The unity and solidarity of USW members at all of our facilities has carried us this far, and we remain confident that your continued support will enable us to achieve our goals.
Your Bargaining Committee