My name Ann Marie Ruiz and I have been serving United Steelworkers for over ten years. I started off as a shop steward as I was wrongfully disciplined and disrespected by management. I educated myself with the help of my sisters and brothers from our local union and I became passion driven to help others become aware of their rights. It didn't stop here, two years down the road I ran for office and was voted in as Vice President. This seat I don't take lightly and Iam honored to serve with humbleness and determination for United Steelworkers Local 183. I also sit as a Health and Safety Trainer as well as Labor Management Advisory Committee.
My strengths, weaknesses and experiences drive me to take on many challenges within our local and I can say that I have committed myself to the cause of our union. To be a voice for all members and fight for the working people! To continue running the race for the working-class people and pass this on to my children and their children and so on!