Local 2801


Recent News

Union Siblings! Your Union continues the fight for better working conditions and living wages. We will be back at the table this coming Thursday March 6, 2025. In the meantime, your USW District Director has sent a letter to the CEO of the Memorial Care system which is posted below.

Union Siblings,

On Monday, January 20th, your Bargaining Committee and the Medical Center met for the 20th session for negotiations.  

After some clarifications on both parties on outstanding non-economic articles, the Medical Center maintains their position to limit your rights under Article 7: No Discrimination. We maintain ours: it should be up to YOU whether you should litigate or pursue arbitration in any dispute you may have with the Medical Center. Despite such position, your committee moved forward presented its first economic proposal to the medical center. 

Union Siblings,

This week, we have some updates after last week's negotiations sessions with the hospital. We had additional support from our international union, including our union lawyer, at the table with us. We presented two proposals that we hoped would help us conclude discussions of the non-economic part of our contract. Unfortunately, the hospital continues to insist we accept contract language that would seriously undermine our union and your rights. 

Good Morning Union Siblings,

Local 2801 would like to share these bargaining updates with you regarding negotiations with Long Beach Memorial Medical Center.

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