Membership Updates

Union Siblings,

This week, we have some updates after last week's negotiations sessions with the hospital. We had additional support from our international union, including our union lawyer, at the table with us. We presented two proposals that we hoped would help us conclude discussions of the non-economic part of our contract. Unfortunately, the hospital continues to insist we accept contract language that would seriously undermine our union and your rights. 

Good Morning Union Siblings,

Local 2801 would like to share these bargaining updates with you regarding negotiations with Long Beach Memorial Medical Center.

I don’t know what my pay grade is, how can I find that out?

You can find your pay grade by looking at Appendix A of the contract.

You can see here the tentatively agreed to Appendix A (click the pdf link below). The changes shown on Appendix A were detailed in the summary provided in the mailing with your ballot.

For any questions call the Local Union at 562-216-8930 or email [email protected]

We frequently hear the question: “What happens if the Tentative Agreement is ratified?”

Greetings USW Sisters & Brothers:

Your solidarity has made all the difference in the world! We (your Negotiating Committee) met once again with hospital management on Friday (3/19/2021). The results of this protracted negotiations were finally positive. We achieved a Tentative Agreement for a new Labor Contract.

The wage increases achieved are much improved over the previous offer; as we cannot be  treated as second class employees vs. non-union co-workers.

Your Negotiating Committee met with the Hospital all day today to continue negotiations. Much discussion around the Union’s wage proposals took place, but no agreement was reached.

We are scheduled to meet again next week - March 19th. We are hopeful that we will have more substantive information to report following those negotiations.

Dear USW Local 2801 Members,

The Hospital only offered us, the Union (that’s you and me, our elected union leaders, and negotiating committee, supported by our legal department and professional negotiators), a single day this month for negotiations. ONE. SINGLE. DAY. The hospital’s actions may well be tantamount to illegal bad faith bargaining.

The Hospital’s unreasonable and irresponsible delay in negotiations reveals the lack of respect and appreciation management has for the work we do, or the sacrifices we are making every day.

Your Bargaining Committee is scheduled for negotiations with the Medical Center on February 2, 2021. We will once again insist on terms for a fair and equitable labor contract.