When: Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 7:00AM - 3:00PM

District 10 Sporting Clay Shoot

District 10 will be holding a Sporting Clay Shoot event on Sunday, August 30, 2020, at:

Seven Springs Mountain Resort
777 Waterwheel Drive
Seven Springs, PA 15622

The cost for this event will be $200 per team (4 members per team), and includes ammunition, 100 targets, eye and ear protection, trapper guide services at each station and 4X4 carts. You can bring your own gun or rent one for $25. 

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast served from 7-9 a.m., and lunch will be provided after the shoot as well. 

Rooms are available at Seven Springs mountain Resort for $149 (plus 11% sales tax) and can be reserved by calling 1-800-452-2223, let them know your participating in the USW event. 

Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams, as well as top scores for adults and youth and/or women. 

The event size is limited to 80 shooters (10 teams). Please make checks payable to USW District 10 Athletic & Recreational Fund. 


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