09/08/2020 updated
*** There are still lots on employees on layoff from many of the units.
*** The LWA ($300 extra) Lost wage assistance is not automatic. To receive it, you must either sign up online or by calling the UC Service Center.
*** Local 9305 has a mass text sign up for important information. Please click on the mass text sign up tab for more information. If you have any questions signing up please let me know via text message (724) 622-7079.
*** General monthly meetings and Executive Board meetings started back up on June 16, 2020. All social distancing and CDC Guidelines are being followed including liminiting the number of people permitted in the hall. Please be aware that masks are required and some people may be asked to wait outside due to the numbers. However, a question and answer session will be available after the general meeting to accomadate everyone that has any questions or concerns. Once the general meeting is over and people exit, we will let people in from the outside that were waiting. Again this will be done by following all the guidlines and numbers set by the CDC.
*** Mr. Pisano would like everyone to know that the rumors that are circulating on Facebook are not true. There are no outside contractors working in the Koppel or Ambridge Plants. There is a very limited amount of our Union maintenance personel working in both plants.
*** Use the links below to find the current price of Crude Oil and Current Rig Counts.