About Us

We are the United Steelworkers, North America’s largest industrial union. We’re 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. We proudly represent men and women who work in nearly every industry there is. Our members are leaders in your communities, in your work places, in our governments and more. We have a presence in the United Kingdom, Ireland, England, Scotland, Mexico and many other places around the world.

We believe in better!

We stand up and fight back for better!

We work for working families around the world!

Local Union 1899

Representing workers at GCS Credit Union, Stein Steel Services, TMS International, West Rock Services Inc., Suncoke Energy Inc., Kinder Morgan Inc.  and United States Steel - Granite City Works. 

United Steelworkers Local 1899 is proud to represent over 100 years of unbroken unionism at Granite City Steel.  United States Steel - Granite City Works is a producer of high-quality steel for automotive, construction, and OCTG/Hot Rolled steel, which is used to be made into pipe and tube for oil and natural gas drilling. 

Local 1899 was established in May of 2003 when the three major local unions at Granite City Works and the locals representing the Guard and Office & Technical units, along with the represented employees of GCS Credit Union, Robinson and Stein Steel Services amalgamated. 

“1899” was chosen as our new local number as it was the first year that reference to a Union at Granite City Steel was recorded.  Our membership in the main plant numbers approximately 1400 and includes production, maintenance, and office and technical workers, as well as fire and security members. 

The United Steelworkers have a proud heritage at Granite City Works, and Local 1899 is known as a leader and activist Union in District 7 and throughout the International Union. 

It is the goal of this local to represent every member to its fullest; to protect their rights and insure their safety on the job, and to further the principles of the United Steelworkers that all members be treated fairly, paid justly for their work, and afforded the respect and dignity they each deserve. To that end, we are here to serve you, our fellow Steelworker Union member.