Medicare to Negotiate Drug Prices

As discussed at the SOAR meeting the following are the new benefits under Medicare.


The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) signed by President Biden in 2022 Allows Medicare to Negotiate the Price of Prescription Drugs for Seniors.

HHS Announces Key Dates for the First Year of the Inflation Reduction Ac...

In 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration will begin the negotiation process to lower drug prices for people with...

Today January 11, 2023  the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced key dates for the first year of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program under the Inflation Reduction Act, which will lower drug costs for millions of Americans. For the first time in history, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare will have the ability to negotiate prescription drug prices. That process begins in 2023, and the first negotiated prices will go into effect in 2026.

“Under President Biden’s leadership, we will begin the process of negotiating lower prescription drug prices for millions of seniors and people with disabilities across the country,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we finally have the authority to get American families the lower prescription drug costs they deserve. Today we are releasing our plan for how we will implement Medicare drug price negotiation under this landmark law — and we will be transparent and aggressive in implementation every step of the way.”

Key dates for implementation include:

  • By September 1, 2023, CMS will publish the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs selected for the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program.
  • The negotiated maximum fair prices for these drugs will be announced by September 1, 2024 and prices will be in effect starting January 1, 2026.
  • In future years, CMS will select for negotiation 15 more Part D drugs for 2027, 15 more Part B or Part D drugs for 2028, and 20 more Part B or Part D drugs for each year after that, as outlined in the Inflation Reduction Act.